Sunday, November 4, 2007

Samuel's Speech Update {Reposted}

As you probably already know, Samuel has struggled with a speech delay and many problems with his ears and sinuses. Last January, he had tubes put in his ears for the 3rd time (the 2nd set had fallen out again). Since the continual fluid and ear infections affects how clearly he hears and we want to be sure he's clear to catch up his speech, we don't want to take the chance so we had the tubes placed again. Samuel continued having visits from the speech pathologist from Kids on the Move, the early intervention agency, and we attended a weekly parent/child therapy playgroup for kids with speech problems. Elisabeth and Isaac went to the free onsite childcare, which worked out really well. Isaac's group did fun preschool type activities and the lady who took care of Elisabeth was wonderful with her. The Early Intervention program only lasts until the child's 3rd birthday, so by the end of February, we were beginning the "transition process" to special ed services through the school district. We had a full assessment done where they test him in cognitive, behavioral, as well as speech areas and a full hearing test done with an audiologist. Samuel qualified for speech services (and passed his hearing test, by the way) and started going for his weekly therapy sessions starting in April. This school year, we've spent these first couple months collecting baseline data and haven't gotten very far on actually working on his sound production. But the SLP (Speech Language Pathologist) mentioned that she thought he might benefit from the special ed preschool they have, since he has a hard time relating to his peers socially. But they have to fall below the 1% in one area (such as speech) or below the 7% in 2 or more areas, to qualify. He didn't qualify last spring but we thought we'd go ahead and retest him to see where he fell now. So, on October 22, we did the full asessment yet again. And he scored low enough with his speech and adaptive skills that they decided to put him in the preschool for a 30-day diagnostic observation period. And then the teachers will decide if that's the appropriate placement for him. We'll see. If he doesn't continue in the preschool (and receive speech therapy there), then he will go back to just speech at the elementary school once a week. He is really making great progress in trying to communicate, but he is still very hard to understand. But considering that last year he was using more sign language than words, it is wonderful to hear him talking.

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