Monday, April 19, 2010

just a peek: to be happy #1 (Happiness Project)

Here's a little video ad for Gretchen Rubin's book, The Happiness Project, which I read and enjoyed. Just to give you a little taste of it. :)

This is one of her "key principles to remember" in her personal quest for happiness:

The days are long, but the years are short

Sometimes it just feels to impossible to remember - in these difficult days of parenting. And sometimes I panic at the thought of how quickly my children are growing. For me, I try to remind myself that I am just doing the best I can, with these long days and short years. And I hope I don't look back someday and chide myself for not doing more, being more, being better. I want to remember that I did the best I could with the challenges I was given. Even though it never seems like enough. This is all I can do.


girlysmack said...

This was just what I needed to hear tonight. I was feeling sad that my children played almost all day while I studied. I feel like so many days pass by where I don't spend enough time with them. And I just enrolled Jack in preschool today for the fall, so I am feeling the passage of time more than usual...

Thanks for this post. :)

Colleen said...

Definitely a good thing to remember on those hard day!

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