Thursday, May 6, 2010


The long awaited and much dreaded placement meeting is over. I really need to do something to celebrate . . . I don't know what . . . but something.

And if you asked me how I am feeling right now I would say mostly just relieved. Zac came with me this time and it was so nice to have some moral support, even though no one had any disagreement about the placement. It feels like a huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders just in knowing the decision has been made and I agree with it.

So. Samuel will be going to the small group learning disabled class next year. It is actually a class of 1st-3rd grade, which we decided would be a good thing for him since he can still be challenged on his academic level with older kids, if appropriate, but not overwhelmed by the larger class and less individual attention of the mainstream class.

I am just relieved that all of the teachers had seen some of the things that most concerned us. Sometimes I feel like I'm just going crazy and not really sure if I'm just interpreting his behavior differently, so it is good sometimes to have my perception validated. The mainstream kindergarten teacher who had seen him in her classroom a few times had seen him shut down and not participate without help and prompting. And she saw him freak out about the wind at recess, with him whimpering and clinging to her leg - and that was very concerning to her as far as his emotional maturity and ability to handle his anxiety without a lot of help.

Anyway - we won't know until JULY exactly where or at which school this class will be held. But he will be taken by bus, so it will work out I guess. Come July, I am sure I will be freaking out again as we get to know yet another school, and principal, and everything else. I'm not really looking forward to that. But it will be good for Samuel - I feel confident about that, so that's what's most important.

I'm just so glad this is over. Now I can move on to some other things I need to deal with in my life . . . one thing at a time . . .
Have a good day, everyone.


Colleen said...

So glad it's over and you can stop worrying about it!

Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

I'm glad it's over and that you feel confident about it.

Kerri said...

Yay! Ditto to what Colleen and Jennifer said. I know this has been on your heart for a long time! Thankful you have peace and will be praying you continue to feel that way! =)

Mom B. said...

So glad that it's over and decided and that you felt at least a little bit of support and agreement from the teacher and others. I think this will turn out to be a good thing for Samuel and you! Love you.

Jen Morrison said...

It's true, validation is so important. I'm happy for you that the decision has been made and for the relief that must bring.

BeeP said...

So glad the placement is over and you feel at peace. He will be in good hands, I'm sure!

Mary said...

I know it has been a stress to you. I am glad it went well. What a relief!

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