Saturday, October 17, 2009

ok, it's official

Alrighty. The old blog is now officially "private." And I just want to make it clear that I will no longer be updating that blog at all. It will just be there so I can access my archives. And family members and friends who have some desire to dig back through my old posts are welcome to ask for an invite to view that blog (I just use your email address to invite you).

Anyway - so that's that.

And here we are.

On my google reader I can still see that I have lost some subscribers in this transition, but I hope I will gain them back eventually (subscribers being those that use google reader to get blog updates). It saddens me and I don't know where these lovely readers have gone, but at this point, I am just moving forward with this plan and hoping for the best.

And if you were expecting some sort of change in how I post, or the quality of my posts, or something, well . . . you will be disappointed. This is just the same old stuff, same old me, same old everything . . . just a change in privacy policy.

So, once again, welcome to our life. Come be a fly on our wall, take a seat, hide in the corner, keep your judgements kind and compassionate, because what you see is what you get . . . enjoy. :)

PS - and have I failed to mention how much comments mean to me? Perhaps now would be a good time to mention that without comments, I sometimes feel like I'm babbling to a blank wall. I know someone out there is reading this, but if you don't ever leave a comment, a thought, a smile, a "mm . . . hmm" and a nod, then it's as if there is just silence on the other end of the phone line. Awkward. Confusing. Disappointing. You know what I mean.
So, leave me comments. Thanks. :)


Colleen said...


christina g. said...

I understand about the comments - no one ever comments on my blog, of course I'm pretty sure no one reads it either :-)

Alyssa said...

mmm...hmmm :)

bonitinha said...

Aw, man, Alyssa stole my comment! I love your blog, Kristen. Wherever it happens to be in cyberspace at any given moment.

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