Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Signs and Wonders: album by Matt Billingsley

I think this is the first time ever in my life that I can truly say I know someone personally who has "released a music album," so of course I will do everything I can to help get his name out there and get his music into the hands of everyone and anyone who might be interested in it. And since you never can really tell who might or might not be interested, better just to let everyone know about it, yes? Yes, of course.:)

Matt is an old friend of mine and he has written, performed, recorded, mixed, produced and whatever else is involved in making an album (I don't even know) all of this all himself. That in and of itself seems like a gargantuan accomplishment that I can't even begin to fathom. Not to mention the courage it takes to open yourself up to possible criticism and rejection that is the process to which every artist is subjected. And then not to mention even having the talent to produce something that is good. And then, not to mention writing songs that are personal and express such faith and devotion to God. That is impressive to me.

I realize that this kind of Contemporary Christian music is not every one's cup of tea. But I would encourage anyone at all to give this a try and listen with an open mind. It's amazing sometimes what we can discover and enjoy when we set aside all prejudices and preconceptions and just let ourselves experience it for what it is. You might even surprise yourself. :)

I really enjoy all the songs on the album, but I think that two of my favorites are "Everything is New" and "Road to Everlasting" (at least right now).

"Road to Everlasting" is a really beautiful instrumental piece. The best words I can come up with to describe it are contemplative and encouraging. Just something about it . . .

And "Everything is New" seems to capture for me that sincere and full moment of true conversion to Christ. And it is a feeling that I think we seek to renew as we constantly recommit and repent (especially used as in the literal translation of the German word for repentance: umkehr, which means "to turn around"). The best part is the ending which closes with the repetition of this phrase: "when I'm feeling like there's hope in the world . . . it's you . . ."
Hope. Joy. New Beginning. Being loved and forgiven. That's what I feel like it's really all about, when all is said and done. And that's what I feel more than anything listening to this album.

Go here to listen to song samples and to buy for yourself from: Amazon or iTunes

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